
I have the great privilege today of sharing a recipe over at the talented Against All Grain’s blog. If you haven’t been over there yet, you are in for a real treat. Danielle has the most unbelievable delicious grain free and Paleo recipes as well as stunning photography to go with it. At some point I guarantee you’ll be licking your screen. So head on over and get my new Egg/Nut Free Mexican Chocolate Coconut Macaroon recipe HERE, and take some time to look around. Don’t be surprised if you get lost in the goodness for at least a few hours, maybe more!

Troubleshooting note: Use Let’s Do Organic coconut in this recipe. It is very finely shredded. If you use another brand (like Bob’s Redmill) that is coarser you will need to reduce the oil amount slightly. You want the sough to clump together but not be overly oily.
