(Utility) Green Evolution

You may be already noticing that this post does not look a lot like the food posts you’re accustomed to seeing here on my blog. If you follow me on Instagram this probably won’t come as much of a surprise, but I’ve had a number of people express...

My 2018 Winter Beauty Favorites

Back In The Day – My Story When I first discovered the whole wide world of natural foods my world got pretty rocked! I may be showing my age here, but I was pregnant with my first kid and the internet as we know it now didn’t really exist (it was 1998...

5 tips To Loving Your Abs

Have you ever seen those trucks that have wheels the size of a good economy car and are so far up off the ground that you could reasonably shelter there in the event of inclement weather? And have you ever seen someone try to park one of them? It’s not easy, I’ll tell...

Yoga For Digestion

For those of us who deal with gluten or other food sensitivities, we are all too familiar with that “tell-tale” rumbling in our bellies. For some it starts with a cramping sensation, a sudden burst of nausea, or stabbing pain. Then, just like that moment when you get...