1. blueberry-pancakes-small-Collage1

Perfect Almond Flour Pancakes

Grain Free, Paleo, Gluten Free, Dairy Free


1 1/2 cups (150g) fine ground blanched almond flour*
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs

4-5 tablespoons milk of choice
2 tablespoons honey
1 tsp vanilla or juice of half a lemon
Oil of choice for frying

*Not packed, use the “scoop and sweep” method. Simply scoop up a slightly rounded cup of flour and level it off with a flat edge (such as butter knife).


1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the almond flour, baking soda and salt. If using fruit like blueberries, add it now add toss till coated.

2. In a separate bowl, blend together the eggs, milk honey and vanilla or lemon juice.

3. Add the egg mixture to the flour and whisk till just combined. Let the batter rest while you preheat the pan.

4. PrePre-heat your pan over medium-low to medium heat. Temperature will very depending on both the stove top and the pan being used. There should be a slight “sizzle” when the batter hits the pan. I recommend doing a small pancake to see if the pan is ready.

5. Add about 1/8 for smaller pancakes and 1/4 cup batter for larger pancakes to the hot pan. Fry the pancake till it starts to bubble and the edges just start to form and dry a bit. About one minute depending on thickness. If it starts to darken on the bottom too quickly, adjust the heat some. Flip over carefully using a thin metal spatula. Continue to cook till the pancake puffs and and is just firm to the touch. Another minute or so.

Makes about 6 large, 15 medium and 25 silver dollar sized pancakes.

Serving and storing:
If desired, keep pancakes in a warm 200F degree oven. The pancakes freeze and reheat well. I like to make them ahead of time, freeze them then put them in the toaster to reheat.


Serving and storing:

If desired, keep pancakes in a warm 200F degree oven. The pancakes freeze and reheat well. I like to make them ahead of time, freeze them then put them in the toaster to reheat.