pumpkin macaroons

Now I know what you’re thinking: You already have my chocolate chip cookie recipe…. and yea, it is pretty much the same as my original chocolate chip cookie recipe, but as the old adage says, “there’s always room for improvement”, and this one was just BEGGING to be done. So I’ve given my beloved cookies the ultimate upgrade: BACON!

For the unenlightened, the argument could be made that I could have just said, “all you have to do is use my ‘Perfect Grain Fee Chocolate Chip Cookie’ recipe and add some bacon to it”. But then you wouldn’t have these gorgeous chocolate-chip-BACON-cookie pictures to post to all of your friend’s walls. You see, I’m doing you a favor by enabling you to be the hipster-cool-kid that posts eclectic bacon-related recipes onto people’s Facebook and Twitter feeds.

People will love you. They’ll call you edgy, smart and progressive. They’ll probably even label you as a foodie genius! And as for those unenlightened few: well they might look at your posts with skepticism; call you crazy and shun you for what they yet don’t understand. But you…..You are making waves and changing the world into a safer, kinder and more beautiful home for mankind, one BACON-filled cookie at a time!

Go ahead! Bake, eat, savor and enjoy; and always, always share. Your friends will thank you, the web will love you and mankind will forever be in your debt. So charge on bacon lovers….charge on!!

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Paleo Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies


4-5 slices of bacon (about 1/2 cup cooked and broken into pieces or candied bacon)
2 cups (200g) blanched almond flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chocolate chips
75ml (1/3 cup) liquid coconut oil or equivalent melted ghee/palm shortening
85g (1/4 cup) honey or maple syrup
1 tablespoon GF vanilla
1 tablespoon canned full fat coconut milk


1. Preheat oven to 350F/175C degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Fry the bacon until crispy. Cut or tear into small pieces. Let cool completely. In a large bowl, combine the almond flour, baking soda and salt until well blended. Now add the bacon pieces and chocolate chips to the flour mixture. Toss to combine.

3. In a separate smaller bowl, lightly beat together the oil, honey and vanilla and milk. Add this wet mixture to the flour mixture, stir till well combined.

4. Scoop rounded tablespoons of cookie dough on to baking sheet, at least two inches apart. Using slightly damp fingers lightly press down the tops of each ball of dough. Don’t fa;tenth too much as you want them to be “pudgy”. Shape wise they will pretty much bake the way they look.

5. Place another cookie sheet under the one with the cookies. (This will help keep the bottoms from browning too fast.)

6. Bake in the oven for about 12 minutes or till golden around the edges. Keep an eye on them though, baking times will vary from oven to oven, as well as thickness and size of cookie. Do not over bake. They should be light in color as shown in the picture, with some amount of browning on around the edges and on the bottoms. Remove from oven and let cool for at least 5 minutes before transferring.

7. Once cooled, eat at least 4 of them before alerting others that they are finished. Allow everyone to be impressed with how selfless and giving you are when you split the remaining cookies evenly. But do this quickly because all chocolate chip cookies are best served warm and you don’t want to give away your secret!

When they are all gone, return to the top of this page and repeat!

Makes 12-15 small cookies.