Spiralized beet salad 1 Spiralized Beet Salad 2

This is one of my favorite fresh summer salads! The perfect balance of the earthy spiralized beet, with the savory bacon and tangy goat cheese. AND the bright “green” notes rom the parsley dressing, pushes this dish throws into the awesome category!

Spiralized Beet  Salad w/ Parsley Dressing

Ingredients: Serves 1 (or 2 if a side)

2 pieces thick Cut bacon
1 medium sized red beet, washed & peeled*
3 sprigs of green onion
2 tablespoons fresh goat cheese or DF Kite Hill Ricotta
Chopped Pecans, toasted
salt & cracked pepper to taste

*1 peeled and trimmed medium beet is approx.1 1/2 cups spiraled

Parsley Dressing: (Makes about 1/3 cup, enough for 2 servings)

1 cup trimmed Flat Leaf parsley (lightly packed)
2 tablespoons avocado oil or olive oil
2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons coconut sugar (or more to taste)
pinch of salt


1. Use your favorite method to cook the bacon until crispy. Let it cool, then chop or crumble into small pieces and set aside.

2. Meanwhile, using a veggie spiralizer (like THIS one, or try these pre-spiraled beets form Veggie Noodle CO) spiral the beet with the smaller blade, directly into your serving bowl. Set aside. With a sharp knife slice the green onions into long thin slivers.

3. To assemble the salad, simply sprinkle the bacon, goat cheese and the pecans over the salad, then top with a pile of green onions. Makes for a gorgeous presentation. Drizzle with a generous amount of parsley dressing (directions below) and server yourself!

For the Dressing: Add everything to a small blender (I use THIS Blendtec Twister Jar for small jobs like this one) and blend till chopped and combined. The dressing doesn’t have to be puree’d….unless you want it that way!

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