pack it cool salad-11

Today I get to share another great recipe from my stint as the April featured chef over at US Wellness Meats. If you haven’t been over there to check them out, do it now. They have a wide variety of grass fed, sustainable meats and seafood as well as pastured goat and cow cheeses, nitrate free meats, sugar free bacon, sausages and more. I absolutely love this place! Now, more about these amazing shrimp….

This was hands down, the most delicious shrimp I think we have ever tasted. Seasoned with spicy jalapeños, lemongrass, fresh fennel and Meyer lemons, these juicy shrimp were absolutely delicious chilled! They make an elegant appetizer served over ice at a dinner party or just enjoy them as a “pop in your mouth” snack. We also tried them sliced in half and fried in ghee, which was heavenly as well.

I will say this though: if you aren’t a fan of “spicy”…….use less jalapeño cause here in Texas it’s gotta be hot enough to make us sweat a little! (like the heat here isn’t enough right?

Overnight Vietnamese Pickled Shrimp

2 1/2 cups filtered water
1/4 cup coconut vinegar (or other
1 large stack of lemon grass chopped
and smashed
1 tablespoon salt
4 inch piece of ginger, thinly
2 pounds large shrimp
1 jalapeño, sliced into thin rings
2-3 medium sized shallots, sliced
into thin rings (about 1/2 cup packed)
3 medium sized Meyer lemons thinly
sliced into rings (about 1 – 1 1/2 cups)
A handful of tarragon leaves (about 2
tablespoons packed)
1/2 cup packed cilantro
1/2 cup thinly shaved fennel*

1 teaspoon cracked pepper


1. Place the water, vinegar, lemongrass, salt and ginger in a large pot and bring to a boil. Add the (defrosted) shrimp to the boiling water. Cover and cook the shrimp till cooked through, about 2 minutes.

2. Remove from heat and set aside while you prepare the rest of the ingredients, giving the shrimp and water time to cool.3. Once cooled, add the remaining ingredients to the pot and carefully stir to combine. Place in the fridge uncovered for about an hour or until completely cooled then cover tightly and let sit overnight in the fridge for a minimum of 8 hours.Notes: For a prettier display, you can strain the water into a container and then layer the ingredients into large mason jar/jars in an attractive manner, leaving some room at the top for the liquid. Once layered, pour the liquid mixture over the rest of the ingredients.

Also see this recipe at US Wellness Meats (It’s the 3rd recipe down)