Today, I offer you a wonderful raw noodle dish. No, that’s not a typo; I did just say “raw noodle”. Raw noodles are most often made from raw green or yellow zucchini. But really, you can make them from any vegetable which can be shaved, julienne or ‘spiraled’…
And there’s that word again….SPIRAL. Vegetable spiral contraptions are a wonderful tool that will completely revolutionize the way you enjoy vegetables. This simple little tool allows you to make ‘noodles’ up to 6 feet long (if you so desire) out of zucchini, carrots, large radishes and other suitable veggies. It also assists you in making wonderfully thin shaved onions, carrots, cucumbers, and much much more. (were you expecting me to say “but wait! there’s more!)?
This dish is Chocked full of raw veggies, including red peppers, shiitake mushrooms and my favorite: shaved and julienned asparagus. Note: When possible, it is always best to buy organic when preparing raw food dishes. It is also important to wash the veggies well with a good vegetable wash before preparing.

Asian Inspired Zoodles w/ Cilantro Pesto
For the Sauce:
6 tablespoons raw tahini
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 cup walnuts
1 1/2 cups packed cilantro
1/2 cup packed basil
1 very small garlic clove
Juice of half a lemon (or more to taste)
Coarse sea salt and cracked pepper
This will make a thick pesto. You can add filtered water by the tablespoonful, to get desired consistency for a sauce.
For the veggies:
About 6 medium sized zucchini, skin shaved off with a vegetable peeler (for the pasta)
About 1 pound asparagus, very thinly sliced or shaved
1 large red bell pepper, very thinly sliced
1/2 cup shiitake mushrooms, very thinly sliced
1/4 cup green onion chopped
1/4 cup packed cilantro, roughly chopped
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
Sea salt and cracked pepper to taste
1. In a food processor, combine the tahini, walnuts, cilantro, basil, garlic, olive oil and lemon juice. Add water as needed or desired. Pulse till well combined. *[If you want a thicker ‘pesto’ just add less of the water and pulse the mixture till desired consistency. For a sauce, which I find blends better into the ‘pasta’, use more of the water.]
2. Once the mixture has reached the desired consistency, add the salt and pepper to taste. Set aside. The sauce may thicken if chilled. Add a little warm water to bring to room temp and thin it some before serving.
3. Prepare the pasta according to the directions on your ‘Spiral Slicer’. Or you can ‘julliane’ them with a mandoline. Another option is to just very thinly slice the zucchini into long strips. Set aside in a large bowl.
4. In a separate bowl, toss the rest of the thinly sliced vegetables together.
5. JUST before serving, carefully toss the noodles with the pesto Be careful not to break the noodles. Then fill each bowl of noodles with a handful of veggies.
6. Finally garnish with the crushed walnuts, cilantro and chopped green onions. Season with coarse sea salt and cracked pepper.
Serve immediately. (The longer the zucchini pasta has sauce on it, the quicker it breaks down and becomes watery, as the salt pulls the water out of it.)
My one vegetable would probably have to be spinach. Oh, but I would want many more than that!
I'm already a UP fan on Facebook. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I could not live without kale. It's a source of gentle teasing by my friends, but one day they will see the light. I use it for wraps, blanched in asian dishes, in soups
and to make massaged kale salads. And perhaps the sun on my deserted island will be enough to make the kale chips.
It would be hard to pick one vegetable, but I think if I had to, I would pick tomatoes ( although technically, they're a fruit!) because they're pretty versatile- good hot, cold, chopped, whole, etc.
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I would probably have to say spinach is the one I would want. I love many veggies, but it is definitely the veggie I eat the most of.
Michelle Anderson
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Michelle Anderson
I would have to pick Tomatoes to bring on a desert Island, I love them!!
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artichokes, although they can't be eaten raw they have always been a favorite. I used to feed them to my kids when they first got teeth. They were great for teething babies.
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Colleen Gagnon
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I don't think it would survive well on an island, but my favorite veggie is asparagus but I think I would be somewhat limited to its uses. So, I choose artichokes instead; I could mix them with just about anything and they would add flavor as well as texture.
By the way, I didn't think this latest recipe would appeal to me, but I read all the ingredients and it sounds great! Will have to try.
Nina Fuller
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Would love to try out that vegetable spiral slicer. 🙂
I would bring zucchini because I LOVE them. So yummy! 🙂
mcclary dot amanda at gmail dot com
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If I was stranded on an island, I would bring carrots with me! And not those wimpy "baby carrots" from the store either – I want the big long bright orange ones that I pull straight from my garden soil, dirt clods clinging and leafy greens attached. Now that is a carrot!
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Wow, only one veggie…both of my choices are not even considered veggie but saying it anyway, AVACADO! That creaminess makes my mouth happy! Anything to make veggies more fun in this house is a plus! Thanks for the giveaway!
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brussel sprouts! brussel sprouts! and more brussel sprouts!! NOM NOM NOM.
Gotta be onions for me. I could still chop em up and fry em on a rock, get em nice and crispy mmmm
Bell peppers for me! They're definitely my favourite vegetable ever and they're very versatile. 🙂
wakingdream -at- gmx.com
Kale!!!! Cooked, raw, doesn't matter. I eat my weight in Kale!
Carrots! It's a vegatable that I could munch on all day and not get sick of it.
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Red Bell pepper.
So good for you
roasted sautaed and just plain raw – its divine
Spinach, because I like it for breakfast, lunch or dinner, liquid, sautéed or raw. 🙂
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Kim Anderson
Difficult choice but I'm thinking kale because of its versatility. And as mentioned before, maybe there'd be enough sun to make kale chips!
Would love to try the spiral slicer!
Paula B
paula b at montrose dot net
Tough call, but I'd have to say zucchini because you can do everything with it!
karen at akaren dot com
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Carrots..because they can easily be eaten raw and don't have to cook them. That would give me a lot more time to build my SOS signal in the sand :-p
Jesse Baker
YES, and they are pointy and strong so you could actually use them to trace out the SOS.
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Jesse Baker
hmmm…i would probably choose celery because of the high water content and it tastes pretty good raw.
Chelsea Wipf
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Chelsea Wipf
Favourite vegetable – broccoli, with kale a very close second!
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Kale what is not to love about this veggie??
I wholeheartedly agree with you on this one!
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If I were on a deserted island with only one veggie to eat, my first thought was sweet potatoes, but they are best cooked, saw for raw, I'd go with kale…doubly sweet is that together they're twice as delicious!
I would have to have brussel sprouts if I were stranded on an island. I'm totally addicted!
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it would be a dream life to be stranded on a desert island with brussels sprouts!! they are delicious!!
thanks for the opportuity!!
Oh that's a tough one! I think jicama because it's crunchy and also has so much of a thirst quenching quality to me which may be nice on a dessert island!
Like your Facebook already. I'm not on twitter otherwise I'd follow you. 🙂 I've been wanting one of these slicers for this salad I have brewing in my head! If this is the one you recommend I may just have to buy one after the contest 🙂
One of my readers says she prefers the Spirooli model (you can find the review on that one in the link I sent you above). It makes a thicker noodle less prone to breaking. It however does not make a thin asian style noodle. My spiral slicer makes both thick and thin noodles. I like the thin noodles for raw foods. (The Vertical Spiral Slicer).
I think I have to cheat to because Avacados are not vegetables. My mouth waters just thinking about them!
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Hmmm . . . one vegetable. I think I'm going to go with garlic. Because I could use it to season the fish and shellfish I'd be catching on that deserted island, using it to combat illness until I build myself some shelter, and adding it to some yummy local foliage!
Thanks for the possibility of winning!
PS – Your almond flour pancakes are my kids' faves. Just wanted to let you know! 🙂
THANK YOU!! My kids would have me make those everyday if I was willing! Ha, I think garlic is a great choice!!
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And facebook (and, BTW, I actually saw this originally on pinterest!:)
Shared on FB too. 🙂 Love your site so have shared before 🙂 Also pinned your incredible looking marshmallows
THank you! We do love our marshmallows. I am working a few new flavors for marshmallows. It's become like an obsession of mine.
I would have to have spinach on my island! I really love it with garlic..
I would have to have spinach on my island! I really love it with garlic..
So pleased to have found your blog, such awesome food ideas! I've liked you on Twitter and on Facebook and on Pinterest and joined your mailing list! It's funny I was looking at spiralers online yesterday! However, I'm in the UK and wouldn't expect you to ship one over there if I won!
If I had to choose one vegetable it would be carrots – I couldn't do without them – they tend to go in most things we eat!
Also such great information about goitrogens! As a sufferer of thyroid disease I am only too aware about the dangers of certain foods eaten raw but I don't think many people are!
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If I were stranded on a deserted island… I would want lots of baby spinach with me! I'd forage for some berries, and make myself delicious salads every day 🙂
Cauliflower is my newest cooking obsession. I seem to be using it in everything nowadays. Mashed, riced, diced, raw, chunks. I think I signed up for the drawing. I shared and liked. Thanks to Against All Grain for introducing me to another great site for recipes. Rose Beyke
Shared your site on my facebook page. I have several friends and family who will be interested. Thanks for sharing your great recipes.
I would take califlower with me . I love it !
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Kim H. from CT
Hmmm…I'm going to say cucumbers – lots of 'crunch' factor to help deal with the stress of being stranded! LOL ;o) I subscribed to the newsletter & 'liked' you on FB.
Thanks for the contest & YUMMY recipes! ~ Judith :o)
I could not live with out baby spinach leaves! LOVE them!!
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Sweet potatoes! I love them roasted, mashed, made into fries, baked whole, baked into rounds& topped as an appetizer…i could go on &on. Lol
(Danielle Linville)
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I suppose spinach! Good cooked and raw!
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Butternut squash! Although, I would definitely need some tools to cut it open!
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green leaf lettuce… i eat it every day a million different ways… wrap yummys up in it… eat it dressed up. Love it…
Kim M. from Fort Worth, TX
I shared on Twitter! Kim M. from Fort Worth, TX
I can't decide between red bell pepper and lettuce… I guess the bp because its more nutritious 🙂
Advocado—so yummy and filling.
If I were stranded on a desert island this is a hard choice between brussel sprouts and avocado…. I'd say the latter.
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My desert island veggie would have to be zucchini! Love cooking with and eating that thing!
If I were stranded, I would need kale. 🙂 LOVE it! SO nutritious and versatile. Raw, sauteed, kale chips, kale juice.
Name: Bethany, Email: ansur_gurl@yahoo.com
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Looks totally awesome! Zucchini season can not get here fast enough in the great northwest. Come on summer…
If stranded, I'd probably want brussels sprouts but that garlic post got me thinking. I do love me some garlic.
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Brussels sprouts!! They are so so yummy!! I guess my answer might be different if I had no means to cook the brussels sprouts or bacon to eat them with =] In that case, I think I'd go with iceberg lettuce =]
Following you on Pinterest and I pinned your raw carrot cake balls! yum!
Following you on Pinterest now, but was alreading 'pinning' your yummy recipes! :o) Judith
Only one veggie!!!!……I think it would have to be …..very HARD to choose just ONE. I'd have to say kale. No, spinach…zuccini….or asparagus. Let's just hope I never have to pick just ONE!!! ;). I've signed up, FB liked, and posted!!! Would love to get my hot little hands on one of these….I'd spiralize everything!!! 😉
Sweet bell peppers! Yum! I am going to start some seeds of peppers for my garden tomorrow! Thanks for the chance to win this!
reba22584 at hotmail dot com
If I could only have one veggie, I guess I'd choose zucchini. It's good, sweet, it's good savory, it's just GOOD! 🙂
Shared a link to your giveaway on my blog's FB page – http://www.facebook.com/girlgonegranola
Thanks again for this great giveaway!
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I couldn't live without spinach! Cooked or raw 🙂
(Danielle Linville)I already follow you on Pinterest, and I have pinned SEVERAL of your amazing recipe. I'm planning to make that zucchini pasta next week!
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mm cucumbers 🙂 or maybe carrots! avocado would be hard to pass up as well!
I followed you on pinterest and I pinned your Meyer lemon raspberry tart and cherry pie bars.
I'd love to try either spiral slicer!
paula b at montrose dot net
Broccoli! Raw or cooked its my favorite!
-alison s.
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Celery! I am an addict. My addiction is so bad my husband has said we need to buy a celery farm to support my habit! 😉
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I am following you on Pinterest and I pinned the raw carrot cake balls. Though there are so many recipes I love, I am making these as soon as I can have chocolate again! Cannot wait
I follow you on Pinterest and I pinned the egg nest!
wakingdream -at- gmx.com
I'd have to go with spinach – for the nutrient density. And hope for the best…that somewhere on the island there would be other things to go with it! Already follow you on facebook – big, big fan! Love your recipes! Kecia Hardy Schultz
Ah! I missed this the first time…so glad you updated. If stranded, I absolutely could not live without sweet potatoes. I know they'd be tough to prepare on a desert island, but it would be so worth it.
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I can't pick between cauliflower and zucchini! AcK! Since going grain free they've both become staples, who knew i could still enjoy "rice", "mashed potatoes" and noodles? Ok, If I have to choose one…I'm going to go with zucchini. Love me some zucchini noodles!
I also already follow you on pinterest, I think I've pinned everything you've posted 🙂
I can't pick between cauliflower and zucchini! AcK! Since going grain free they've both become staples, who knew i could still enjoy "rice", "mashed potatoes" and noodles? Ok, If I have to choose one…I'm going to go with zucchini. Love me some zucchini noodles!
I think I would have to say..avocados…lots of healthy fats..Yum!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
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This is a terrible choice to have to make! I suppose I'll have to go with my old standby broccoli. -Margaux
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I hope I'm never stranded on a island…. how could I ever just pick ONE fave veggie….. It changes with the seasons. Don't make me do it… I couldn't… Noooo…. Ok, I'll give it a try….
Since avocado is technically a fruit that is out. So I would have to maybe say right now….. kohlrabi, I love the flavour, you can use it as a rice sub, mash it, eat it raw, make noodles with it, etc. But I really couldn't live without squash, kale and sweet potatoes, carrots or spinach, or… right now I'm on a broccoli kick. I know, I know. Pray it never comes to picking just one. But I would make up for it with my foraging and gardening skills. – Meghan W.
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I would have to take my tomatos with me. I can eat it like an apple, serve it with some cheese or make a tastey sauce out of it.
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I subscribed to the newsletter. Happy to have found a new blog with Paleo friendly recipes to follow full of yummy veggies!
My favorite veggie would have to be spinach, I love it cold, warm and thrown in just about everything.
Ooh, that's a tough question. There are so many I would love to take, but I have a special love for Tomatoes. This would be a fun giveaway to win!
My first instinct was brocolli, but after more consideration I think I will go with spinach because it is so versatile! Tough question!
I've been lusting over a spirilizer forever!!
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I actually found you when I saw a pin of your raw carrot cake balls and had to repin it! I love your site!
Hmmm…one veggie is really hard to choose…it's strange, but one of my favorite vegetables is kong xing cai, or 'watch spinach'. To die for sauteed with a ton of garlic.
I would have to say Zucchini. It is very versatile and packed full of nutrients. So give me unlimited Zukes and this spiral and I could turn out some amazing meals.
Aah, I've wanted to try veggie-based noodles for SO LONG! It's seriously been on my "to do" list for nearly four months. I've seen so many amazing recipes but I've been lacking the equipment to make it happen. I've been shopping around for mandoline food slicers, but now I think I need a shiny new spiraler!
Fingers crossed!
(I'm following you on Pinterest, too…and loving it!)
I could not live without carrots. I use them to make carrot fries, carrot cake bites, carrot cake, carrots in stir-fry, and many other types of carrot-inspired dishes. I would let them dry for a crispy snack while I waited for a rescue ship carrying frying pans (I would already ahve coconut oil) so I could make even more tasty dishes while desserted!
Karen Blake
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That is such an awesome giveaway! If I were stranded on a deserted island, the one veggie I could not do without would be celery. I love celery, and because it is so mineral rich: two or three celery sticks replenish levels of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc.
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I couldn't live without fresh green beans from the garden. Look forward to it every year!
Probably avocado, but is that really a fruit? If it is, then maybe carrots instead :).
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Asparagus would be a hard one for me to do away with.
AAF on Pintrest
Mine would be spinach… for my smoothies, do I guess I would need more things… like a blender. 🙂
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Hi 🙂
What a great giveaway!
The one vegetable I could not live without is one that I only recently discovered (hmm) … FENNEL! It's just so good and it's good for digestion!
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This is a really tough question because there are so many veggies I wouldn't want to do without, but if I have to pick ONE I would say asparagus. Why? Because at least right now they are my favourite 🙂
Ashley S
ashley dot thur at utoronto dot ca
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You are an inspiration. New to this kind of cooking and you are a great mentor. My 4 year old daughter and I really enjoyed making your marshmallows. We were pretty sticky by the time we were done. We needed to do a little taste testing while making them. It was well worth the stickiness.
If I were stranded on a desert isle, I think I could be happy if I had a source of fresh snow peas. 🙂
DH (aka Mad Hen)
If I were stranded on a desert island, I couldn't live without cauliflower. I love it roasted, raw, chopped up as rice or mashed like potatoes, or made into a crust!!! This is a great website btw:)
I am now following you on Pinterest and repinned this raw noodles asian pesto dish!
Cabbage. I think it'd have to be cabbage. I love it cooked, in coleslaw, wrapped around "sandwich" fillings, fermented…. yum.
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I'm following you on pinterest… also repinned your tasty-looking carrot cake balls.
Hmmm, I thought of a few , but, garlic, life without garlic would be so dull. I have to say garlic.
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I pinned the Raw Carrot Cake Balls.
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so hard to pick just one veggie, but the first one that came to my mind was sugar snap peas. they are my favorite raw veggie. (Kale is my favorite cooked veggie)
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I am following you on pinterest & have pinned several of your recipes. cannot wait to try them!
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I have been hooked on your blog since i found the pumpkin, apple, bacon biscuits…now i visit everyday! I NEED a Sprial peeler!!!!!!!!!
Gosh, choosing one veggie is hard….I think I might have to go with beets. I don't know if I could live without their deliciousness!
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If I were stranded on a dessert island, I would have to have zucchini! My favorite replacement for noodles of all kind, fantastic grilled, oven fried, or simply raw…not to mention bread, brownies, etc…I could live off the stuff (really). 🙂 Love this giveaway!
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I would have to have cucumbers because of their high water content that and I just love to eat them ALL THE TIME!!!!
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I am now following you on Pintrest and repined a recipe Krestalen@embarqmail.com
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Only one vegetable?! I think I'd take the humble carrot.
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If I were stranded on a desert island I think I would die without bell peppers, I love them!
After MUCH deliberation, I have decided that Sweet Potato would have to be the one for me.
Today it would be zucchini!
#1 It's hard to narrow down my fave veggie…. spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, asparagus, green beans, eggplant, sprouts, and mushrooms (not sure if they count) are all the ones that come to mind!!! I think in the end though, if I were on a desert island I would choose broccoli because its delicious raw and on it's own but also great cooked if I get bored (I love peeling the stems to make pasta!). Though cauliflower is more versatile, broccoli is a great green veggie full of vitamin C as well as a source of vitamin A, calcium, iron and protein! No wonder moms always told us to eat our broccoli!
#2 Shared this on facebook and twitter because EVERYONE – even avid veggie lovers like myself, needs to eat more ! (does this count as 2?)
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So happy I've been introduced to this blog, can't wait for more amazing recipes!!
#1 It's hard to narrow down my fave veggie…. spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, asparagus, green beans, eggplant, sprouts, and mushrooms (not sure if they count) are all the ones that come to mind!!! I think in the end though, if I were on a desert island I would choose broccoli because its delicious raw and on it's own but also great cooked if I get bored (I love peeling the stems to make pasta!). Though cauliflower is more versatile, broccoli is a great green veggie full of vitamin C as well as a source of vitamin A, calcium, iron and protein! No wonder moms always told us to eat our broccoli!
#2 Shared this on facebook and twitter because EVERYONE – even avid veggie lovers like myself, needs to eat more ! (does this count as 2?)
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So happy I've been introduced to this blog, can't wait for more amazing recipes!!
PS making this for dinner tonight!
Hi Jenni:
Do you know of any company that sells that spiral slicer pictured that will ship to Canada? I have been looking for almost a year for that exact slicer and no luck 🙁
Hi, I wanted to comment on this raw zucchini recipe. I made it with my family (we used spicy peanut butter instead of tahini) and it tasted great… BUT- both my father and I got TERRIBLE stomach aches after eating it. My mom had a smaller serving and felt fine. We did a little research online and it seems like a common problem with eating a lot of raw zucchini. You might just want to add a little warning about it…